
Weekly Update

This is the first week of checking in on my goals that I set last week.


  1. Daily thought work – 5-10 minutes of writing down my daily thoughts. I did this every single day and it was very eye opening.
  2. Read 1 book per month (at least 6 personal growth books per year). I finished Loving What Is by Byron Katie.
  3. Exercise 20-30 min 3 times per week. I did go on my stationary bicycle 3 times this week for 20-30 minutes. I can’t remember the last time I used it before this past week!
  4. Get to bed by 11pm 3 nights per week. Nope. Didn’t happen.
  5. Study the weekly Torah portion. Yes.


  1. Date night once per month. Not yet.
  2. Write a letter to my husband once a month. Not yet.
  3. Overnighter without kids once a year. Haven’t started thinking about this yet.

FamilyNone of these happened this week.

  1. 10 minutes of alone time daily with each child 3 times per week.
  2. Dinner as a family 3 nights per week.
  3. Meal plan weekly.
  4. 1:1 outing with each child every 3 months.  
  5. Overnighter/vacation twice a year.
  6. Mother/daughter cousins trip once a year 


  1. Invite a family for dinner twice a month.  Did this once so far this month.
  2. Adult night with friends twice a month. Did a girls night.
  3. Neighborhood book club once a month. 


  1. Read/review a medical journal weekly. Done.
  2. Attend Grand Rounds weekly. Done.
  3. Close patient charts by Friday each week. Done.
  4. Attend 1 medical conference outside of work once a year. Just planned this for February.
  5. Present at 1 medical conference yearly. 


  1. Max out my 403B.
  2. Fully fund my Roth IRA.
  3. Fund 3 529 accounts.
  4. Contribute to HSA account.
  5. Create a written financial plan.


  1. Start a blog. Just started last month! Still trying to figure all of this out.
  2. Learn how to create an email list.
  3. Learn how to monetize a blog.  

So that’s about it for now. Time for bed as I’m not doing so well with the going to bed by 11 goal.

How did you do with your goals this week?

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