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Four Steps To Create Change In Your Life

So many of us want to change something about ourselves, but don’t do it. We know WHAT to do, but we just can’t seem to DO it. Here are four simple steps to creating real change in your life and a practical example of how to do it. The 4 steps are as follows: Awareness …

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How To Create More Peace In Your Life

After a weekend of political violence with an assassination attempt of a former president and presidential candidate, I can’t think of a more relevant topic than that of peace. What happened is being condemned on both sides of the political spectrum, but it remains clear that the temperature in this country is exceedingly high and …

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How To Move On When You Messed Up

We just returned from a wonderful Spring Break trip with family and friends. Well it wasn’t all wonderful. Sometimes it was downright exhausting and painful. Put three strong-willed teenage sibling girls together for a week, lots of walking, long car rides, and cramped sleeping arrangements and you set the stage for some not so great …

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