Showing 4 Result(s)

What Does It Mean To Be A Great Doctor?

Like most existential questions, the answer to this question really depends on who you ask. A patient may have one answer and a physician a completely different response. Ask ten people and you’re likely to get ten different replies. What does being a great doctor mean to YOU? If you’re a doctor, this is an …

Opportunities at the Dunkin Drive-Through

I failed. Completely. I was supposed to be patient and kind, especially in front of my kids, but I lost it over the dumbest thing. I was buying my kids Dunkin and converted four hundred points from the Dunkin app for a donut and hashbrowns. When I went to pay and told them about the …

Three Traits of Olympic Champions

The 2022 Winter Olympics are well underway in Beijing, China. As I watch these incredible athletes compete for medals, I have been thinking about what it takes for them to get there and be at the top of their game. There are numerous traits that I’ve read about that are common among champions, but three …

Failing to Win

For the last few weeks I have taken some concrete steps to make one change in my life.  I decided to pick something “small” that I believed would have a reasonable chance of success.  I wanted to conquer this challenge over a relatively short period of time and move on to bigger issues in my …