Showing 4 Result(s)

What Does It Mean To Be A Great Doctor?

Like most existential questions, the answer to this question really depends on who you ask. A patient may have one answer and a physician a completely different response. Ask ten people and you’re likely to get ten different replies. What does being a great doctor mean to YOU? If you’re a doctor, this is an …

Ten Dumb Mistakes Smart Doctors Make

When most people think of physicians, they think of the class nerds or the smart kids who got all A’s and took honors classes and were on the debate and math teams, did science Olympiad or won the spelling bee. They think of us as brighter and more intelligent than most of society. But we …

I am the doctor on call

I am surrounded by people all day, but I often feel alone. I’ve had years of training and experience, but I don’t have all the answers.  My mission is to help, but I can feel completely helpless.  There is noise all around me: IV lines beeping, nurses chatter, TV’s playing, but my pager makes me jump.  …