Showing 8 Result(s)

What Does It Mean To Be A Great Doctor?

Like most existential questions, the answer to this question really depends on who you ask. A patient may have one answer and a physician a completely different response. Ask ten people and you’re likely to get ten different replies. What does being a great doctor mean to YOU? If you’re a doctor, this is an …

Three Traits of Olympic Champions

The 2022 Winter Olympics are well underway in Beijing, China. As I watch these incredible athletes compete for medals, I have been thinking about what it takes for them to get there and be at the top of their game. There are numerous traits that I’ve read about that are common among champions, but three …

Weekly Update

This is the first week of checking in on my goals that I set last week. Self Daily thought work – 5-10 minutes of writing down my daily thoughts. I did this every single day and it was very eye opening. Read 1 book per month (at least 6 personal growth books per year). I …

My 20-20 Vision: Setting Goals for the New Year

One of the most common New Years resolutions people make this time of year has to do with loss, weight loss to be exact.  While losing some weight does sound great to me, I prefer to think about what I want to gain in the coming year.  Here’s what I came up with: Patience Confidence Knowledge/wisdom (personal …

Committing in the New Year

It’s a New Year! A clean slate. An opportunity to make changes from the year before. One of the things that has become very obvious to me in my life is that changes are much more likely to happen when you commit to them. Hope is not a great strategy for change. You can hope …