Showing 11 Result(s)

How To Move On When You Messed Up

We just returned from a wonderful Spring Break trip with family and friends. Well it wasn’t all wonderful. Sometimes it was downright exhausting and painful. Put three strong-willed teenage sibling girls together for a week, lots of walking, long car rides, and cramped sleeping arrangements and you set the stage for some not so great …

Who Do You Hate? Maybe It’s Time To Think Again.

What is hate? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, hate is “an intense hostility or aversion deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury. Extreme dislike or disgust. To have a strong aversion to: find very distasteful.” Is there anyone in your life you can think of who gives rise to these emotions? Maybe a public …

How To Get Out Of Loneliness

When my oldest child was a toddler, I remember taking her to our first mommy and me class. I was excited to get out of the house, have her socialize with other kids and to meet other moms. Only it didn’t quite go as planned. When I got there, the other moms all seemed to …

The Truth About Happiness

Most people think that happiness is something that you get to feel when something good happens in your life. You buy the new outfit or car or dream house. You get the job or grade you wanted. You go on the vacation. Someone does something or says something kind. You make every green light. You …

Is the term stress-free holiday an oxymoron?!

It was our first holiday in two years celebrating with extended family and friends. We had plans outside our house for the first night of Passover and we hosted the second night seder at our home. I spent days planning and preparing. But unfortunately I couldn’t plan for everything. I certainly couldn’t plan for a …

How Coaching Is Making Me A Better Parent

I made a mistake with my child today. I’m sure I’ve made countless mistakes in my parenting journey, but this one stands out because it underscores a tool that I learned that has changed my life in such a powerful way. It also reminded me how much more I love my parenting today than in …