Showing 4 Result(s)

How To Be A Better Listener

More than anything, most of us want to feel heard. We want to believe that the people in our lives are actually listening. We often think of people as either those who listen or those who don’t, but there are actually five levels of listening described by psychologist Dr. Elliott Rosenbaum. These go from the …

Is the term stress-free holiday an oxymoron?!

It was our first holiday in two years celebrating with extended family and friends. We had plans outside our house for the first night of Passover and we hosted the second night seder at our home. I spent days planning and preparing. But unfortunately I couldn’t plan for everything. I certainly couldn’t plan for a …

What A Difference A Year Makes

One year ago on March 12, 2021 I wrote a blog post called “19 lessons I learned over the last year from Covid-19” and posted it on my personal Facebook page for all my “friends” to see. I had started my blog some time before that, but almost no one knew about it and I …