
How to be the President/CEO (aka BOSS) of Your Brain

The President/CEO is often the founder and owner of a business.  Sometimes they are not the actual founder, but are appointed as the head person in charge.

What is their role?

The President/CEO has three main roles:

  1. Create a vision or mission statement for an organization which essentially outlines the purpose and goals of the company.
  2. Communicate the vision, mission, and values to everyone involved with the organization.
  3. Implement the vision, mission, and values to all of those involved with the organization. This can include things like hiring, firing, or managing employees of the company who are there to further the mission.

Now imagine yourself as a successful company.

Who is in charge?

Who is running the show?

When we think of the “head” of our company, we think of our brain.

Are you in charge of your brain or is your brain in charge of you?

There are two parts to your brain. There is the primitive or lower brain that is involved in ensuring your survival. It is highly efficient and good at making quick decisions and acting in the moment. It’s like the toddler of the house, running around concerned only with his own desires. Then there is the higher, more evolved brain, or specifically the prefrontal cortex, that is involved in planning and making decisions for the long term. This is like the mature adult parent in the home.

If you want to run a successful organization, you need to keep your higher brain in control at all times. It knows how to best serve your highest human potential. You want to make decisions that serve your higher self and has your best long-term interests in mind. These decisions have to be made in advance. You have to plan them ahead of time and decide what you will do. This is exactly what a good president or CEO does for their organization. YOU have to be the president of your brain, not let it take over like a screaming toddler who is reacting to his environment.

In order to run the successful organization called “your life”, you are going to have to take charge. You need to create your mission statement by identifying your core values and goals. Then you need to communicate that mission to yourself and ideally to all those in your inner circle. Finally, you need to implement this mission and vision in all the aspects of your life.

Just like a CEO manages their employees, you can learn to manage your mind. There is a constant struggle that takes place between the higher and lower brain. Which one will win at any given moment? Which part of your brain is in charge?

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