
Get Ready For Summer Brain and Body Reboot

It’s hard to believe it’s almost May and summer is right around the corner.

This is a time many of us start thinking/dreaming about our summer plans, vacations, the beach or pool and we become more aware of our bodies and that swimsuit we may be wearing in public soon.

Gym memberships may rise. We start thinking more about our diet.

We often forget that the most important tool we have when it comes to making any change in our life is our BRAIN!

For the entire month of May I will be sharing some powerful tools that will help you get ready for summer.

I’m calling it the Get Ready for Summer Brain and Body Reboot.

Follow me at Mindful Doc Mom on FB and IG as well as my blog right here where I will be discussing key tools to help you get your brain and body summer ready.

By implementing these tools, which are based on concepts taught by Brooke Castillo, founder of The Life Coach School where I did my coach training, you will not only be able to permanently lose those 5-10 pesky pounds, but more importantly, you will train your brain to achieve any goal you desire.

Just as I did when I started my journey into coaching, you will use weight as a prototype to learn how to manage your mind.

How you do one thing in your life is often how you do everything.

If you can manage your mind around food, you can do it around your relationships, your job, time, money and anything else you want to change or improve.

Let’s get started! The transformation begins tomorrow, May 1st.

P.S. NO exercise required 😊

Remember, you can’t outrun a poorly managed mind!

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