
Brain and Body Reboot Day 5 – Creating Your Personal Game Plan

Yesterday on day 4 I asked you to write down your specific goal weight for the month.

For example: Lose 6 pounds by 5/31/22. 

I then asked you to spend a few minutes writing down all the thoughts that came up for you when you looked at that goal.

All of these thoughts are the exact reasons you haven’t yet achieved your goal.

These thoughts are keeping you from your goal.

These are your obstacles.

What you want to do now is turn each of these obstacles into a strategy.

Every obstacle that you come up with will now become your personal guide map to lead you up the ladder towards your goal.

You want to take each of your obstacles and think about how you can use it as a strategy to help you succeed.

Here are some examples.

If your obstacle is “I’ll be too hungry”, the strategy then becomes solving for overhunger. Now you may ask, how do I do that? I don’t know how. And that may be true right now, but just because you don’t know something now, doesn’t mean you can’t learn it.  Not knowing something is just another obstacle and the strategy in that case may be to get the information you need.  I will be discussing tools for solving for overhunger throughout this month, so stay tuned.

Another common obstacle is “I have no self-control”.  In this case, the strategy may be to learn how to manage urges. This is a skill that you can easily learn and practice. Again, this is something I will be discussing during this month. 

If lack of time is one of your obstacles, then one strategy may be to spend less time thinking about and eating your meals.  Recognize that it takes more time to eat than not to eat and eating fewer meals (such as with those who choose to do intermittent fasting) can actually save significant time.  Food chatter in your mind (thinking about food, looking at recipes, tracking food, counting calories, etc.) also takes a lot of mental time and energy, so reducing food chatter can also save you time.  Another strategy may be to take a fixed amount of time each week to plan simple meals that will actually save you time the rest of the week. Learning how to plan ahead and stick to your plan can also save time because you are not thinking about what to eat, when, how much, etc. It has already been decided.

These are just some examples of how to turn an obstacle into a strategy.

The beauty here is that your obstacles may be totally different than those of your friend, even if you both have the exact same goal.

Your obstacles will create your personal roadmap for what you need to do and learn in order to reach your goal.

If you want to go over your own obstacles and strategies and get help creating your personal game plan for success, schedule a free session with me by clicking on the link below or you can email me at mindfuldocmom@gmail.com.

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