
Brain and Body Reboot Day 27 – Why Some People Get Results and Other Don’t

There is one main difference between those who get the results they want and those who don’t: their level of commitment.

If you have an attitude where you will just try something or dabble in this or that to get a result, chances are that you won’t get there.

If, on the other hand, you are committed to achieving a result NO MATTER WHAT, no matter how long it takes or how many times you have to stumble or fail to get there, then you WILL succeed.

The only way to truly fail is to stop trying.

The only way to fail is to quit.

Are you really committed to getting the result you want no matter what?

Why or why not?

How do you know the difference between wanting something versus fully committing to taking massive action until you get the result you want?

Imagine the result that you want. Now imagine someone asks you, “Are you willing to give me 25 thousand dollars if you don’t get that result?”

If your answer is “no”, then you are not fully committed.

If your first thought is, “how am I going to come up with the money”, then you’re not fully committed.

“Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality,” Abraham Lincoln

Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality.

Abraham Lincoln

The habits you have, the thought patterns and actions you take repeatedly are all part of your brain’s hard-wired need for efficiency. You’ve been practicing your current way of being for so long and have well-established patterns that your brain likes.

In order to change these patterns, you have to expect discomfort and move towards it. To do this, you will have to rely on your commitment, allow the discomfort, and act anyway.

Growth means that you have to commit to doing the work, including the work to change your beliefs about your own self-worth and capabilities.

There is no magic pill. You decide. You commit. You do the work.

When you make a plan, commit to it and execute that plan, you create your life instead of react to it.

You become proactive in your life and live more intentionally.

Schedule a free Zoom call with me to learn more about coaching and how you can live your life more proactively and intentionally by clicking on the calendar link below. You can also reach out at mindfuldocmom@gmail.com.

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