Showing 130 Result(s)

Parenting Mistake Number 5

Mistake #5: Overconsuming There’s a 90-9-1 rule of participation in social media. 90% of users are lurkers – they read or observe, but don’t contribute. 9% of users contribute from time to time. 1% of users participate a lot and account for most of the contributions. The rule describes how most users don’t participate very …

Parenting Mistakes You’ll Want to Avoid

Over the next few weeks I’m going to share some common mistakes most of us make as parents that suck the joy out of this precious time in our lives. Feel free to comment on any of these blogs with your own “mistakes” and ones you wish someone warned you about that made parenting harder …

An Embarrassing Tale of Murder

Hot, red, fire. That’s how my face looked. That’s how my insides felt. I wanted to run, hide, escape as far away as I could. I think I actually giggled a little. But inside I was crying. I was dying. Embarrassed. Humiliated. Mortified. That’s what I felt when I heard these words from the teacher: …

The 50/50 of Life

Imagine if you came across this advertisement for a seven day beach vacation: 3 days only at the beach Torrential downpour Flat tire Kids argue and complain Awkward dinner Episode of severe vertigo Foul smelling water Would you be so quick to sign up for such a trip? Is this your idea of a relaxing …