
Day 1 – Your Relationship with YOU

This is the beginning of my “Get Ready For Summer Brain and Body Reboot” for the month of May.

Each day I am going to discuss a topic that will help you start to reset your mind in a way that will allow you to move closer to your goals, which in this case may be a weight goal that you are trying to achieve.

We are going to set the foundation over these next several days and today the topic is relationships.

Life is all about relationships.

There’s your relationship with the people in your life, with your job, with your money, with your time, with food, with your creator and even with yourself.

Today, we are going to focus on the relationship with yourself, because that is the foundation for all the other relationships in your life.

I want you to imagine that you’re meeting a friend for lunch at a particular time. Would you be there when you said you would? Would you show up even if you don’t really feel like it when the time comes? Would you call or text them if you were running late or had to cancel? Most of us wouldn’t dream of standing up a friend or we probably wouldn’t have that friend for much longer. But we wouldn’t hesitate to do that to ourselves.

We make all sorts of plans for ourselves and then drop them at the slightest discomfort. We don’t hold up our end of the bargain and become a flaky friend to ourselves.

What if you treated yourself as well as anyone else in your life?

Imagine what you could achieve if you had a strong relationship with you.

It means that you would do what you said you were going to do when you said you were going to do it.

It means that if you write something on your calendar for a particular time and that time comes, you do what your calendar says even if you don’t want to.

It means that if you said you were going to get up early to work out and the next day you didn’t feel like it, you would do it anyway.

Relationships are just your collection of thoughts about another person or entity. In this case it’s your thoughts about YOU.

Think about the following questions.

What do you think about you?

What do you think about your body?

What do you think about yourself based on how others see you?

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the strongest, how strong is your relationship with yourself? If less than a 10, what would get it to a 10?

How do you treat yourself? Do you keep your commitments to yourself? How do you talk to yourself? Do you beat yourself up?

Here’s a little test to try at home.

Take 2 minutes and write down exactly what you are going to eat tomorrow for breakfast, lunch, and dinner or whatever meals you eat. Don’t overthink this. Just decide right now and write it down. You don’t need to be too detailed, but just write down the type of food and general quantity. It doesn’t matter what the food is, even if it’s “unhealthy”.

Example: Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs and rasberries. Lunch: bowl of soup and turkey sandwich, 1 cutie. Dinner: 2 slices of pizza, salad, 2 cookies.

Now here’s the actual test: when tomorrow comes, you ONLY eat THAT. You only eat what you decided the day before. Nothing else.

How hard is that?!

If you’re like most people, it’s very hard. Why? Because your relationship with yourself needs some work. The stronger it is, the easier it will be to honor your commitment to yourself.

I challenge you to do this for the next 30 days. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

I want you to spend a little time today and over the next month really thinking about your relationship with you and what you want that relationship to be.

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