
How To Be A Better Listener

More than anything, most of us want to feel heard. We want to believe that the people in our lives are actually listening. We often think of people as either those who listen or those who don’t, but there are actually five levels of listening described by psychologist Dr. Elliott Rosenbaum. These go from the …

What is Darkness? Shedding Light on the Dark.

We are in the darkest time of the year. The sun sets earlier today than any other Friday this year. It’s cold and gloomy (at least where I live) and I don’t want to leave my home. So what exactly is darkness? I learned some fascinating things about darkness from my Jewish tradition that I …

The Truth About Happiness

Most people think that happiness is something that you get to feel when something good happens in your life. You buy the new outfit or car or dream house. You get the job or grade you wanted. You go on the vacation. Someone does something or says something kind. You make every green light. You …

Everybody Needs To Get Away Alone Sometimes

It’s eleven at night on a Saturday. I’m in a hotel room by myself in Nashville, Tennessee where I flew for a medical conference. There are thousands of people at this conference, but I came alone without any family, friends, or even colleagues. It’s my first time in Nashville and I definitely feel the spirit …

A Surefire Way To Happiness Right Now

Many of us are about to celebrate the classic American holiday of Thanksgiving today. It’s a day that brings people of different religions, creeds, genders and ages together to give thanks and share a meal. It’s a wonderful model for joy because as research has taught us, it’s not being joyful that makes us grateful, …

You Are A Soul. You Have A Body

These eight words have dramatically changed how I see myself and the relationship I have with myself and others. Read them again. You are a soul. You have a body. What if this were true? Would it change anything for you? If you believed that you are a soul who wears their body as a …