
Failing to Win

For the last few weeks I have taken some concrete steps to make one change in my life.  I decided to pick something “small” that I believed would have a reasonable chance of success.  I wanted to conquer this challenge over a relatively short period of time and move on to bigger issues in my …

Weekly Update

This is the first week of checking in on my goals that I set last week. Self Daily thought work – 5-10 minutes of writing down my daily thoughts. I did this every single day and it was very eye opening. Read 1 book per month (at least 6 personal growth books per year). I …

Keeping Promises

Most of us are pretty good at keeping promises that we make to other people. If a friend asks you for a favor or your boss asks you to do a project and you agree, you will find a way to get it done. If you have a meeting with a coworker or a lunch …

My 20-20 Vision: Setting Goals for the New Year

One of the most common New Years resolutions people make this time of year has to do with loss, weight loss to be exact.  While losing some weight does sound great to me, I prefer to think about what I want to gain in the coming year.  Here’s what I came up with: Patience Confidence Knowledge/wisdom (personal …

Committing in the New Year

It’s a New Year! A clean slate. An opportunity to make changes from the year before. One of the things that has become very obvious to me in my life is that changes are much more likely to happen when you commit to them. Hope is not a great strategy for change. You can hope …

Daily Battles

Tonight was the 1st night of Chanukah, the Festival of Lights. This holiday recalls a war during the second century B.C. when, against all odds, a small group of Jews led by Judah Maccabee defeated the mighty Greek army. When the Jews went to rededicate the Holy Temple after the war by lighting the Temple’s …


I recently attended parent-teacher conferences at my children’s school.  I was most concerned about my oldest child’s math class.  She had been so frustrated with the content and quantity of work. Her grades did not seem to reflect the inordinate amount of time she spent on the subject matter.  I arrived at the conference determined …

On parenting and doctoring

I have a confession to make. Most days I feel like a much better doctor than mother. At work I am calm and patient. I treat my patients and colleagues with tremendous respect, and most days they do the same for me. I am kind and diplomatic. I never raise my voice or speak harshly. …

My first post!

With the holiday season in front of me and Thanksgiving just behind me, I have been thinking a lot about gratitude. I am tremendously grateful for so many wonderful things and people in my life. What I’m most grateful for at this moment, however, is my mind. I created MindfulDocMom to have a space to …