
A powerful tool to see the world in a new way

There are things you learn in life that once you know, you can’t unknow. Or things you see that you can’t unsee. That’s how it felt when I learned about “The Model”. The Model is a construct developed by Brooke Castillo, founder of The Life Coach School, where I trained and certified as a life …

The stories we tell ourselves

Think about your life and what isn’t working. Are you overweight? Are you burned out at work? Are your relationships suffering? Why do you think this is? Pay close attention to the story you tell. We tell ourselves stories about our lives all the time. We tell them like they’re facts. Like we’re reporting the …

I am the doctor on call

I am surrounded by people all day, but I often feel alone. I’ve had years of training and experience, but I don’t have all the answers.  My mission is to help, but I can feel completely helpless.  There is noise all around me: IV lines beeping, nurses chatter, TV’s playing, but my pager makes me jump.  …

How we build our own prison

With Spring and warmer weather just around the corner and thousands more people vaccinated against Covid each day, there’s a sense of freedom in the air. Freedom to see friends and family. Freedom to go to restaurants. Freedom to make travel plans. It’s a cautious freedom, but progress nonetheless. In the Jewish calendar, a lunisolar …

Stop Shoulding On Yourself

I recently coached a fellow physician about the stress she feels during some of her outpatient clinic days. She had several thoughts about what happens and what should or shouldn’t happen. For example, clinic should run on time. Patients shouldn’t be late. I should get to eat lunch. Patients shouldn’t have unrealistic expectations and bring …

What I learned from my pandemic birthday

I recently celebrated another trip around the sun, but this one felt very different than years past. It’s not just because it was a pandemic birthday with no parties or candles to blow out in front of family and friends. And it’s not because it was less exciting with no real plans to go or …

Exciting New Endeavors

The last three months have gone by much faster than I expected. My kids have been home doing remote learning this entire school year so far with no clear return date to school. Covid-19 cases continue to rise in our area and around the country and world, so I have little hope of them returning …